Saturday, July 17, 2010

Macarons? I'm not too sure ....

We were very excited spotting a traditional little sweets shop while walking around Zaragoza. Kim spotted some Macarons (well, at least we thought they were) in the display window. We popped on in thinking a tray of these would be perfect snacks for our bus ride to San Sebastian. After I got in trouble for touching something in one of the displays, oooops, we get a tray with 8 of these delightfully colored looking sweet treats.

Bus trip

We don't even make it onto the bus before we unwrapped the beautiful little package. We are sitting out the front of Zaragoza bus station and dive on in ........................ to both of our surprise they are not at all macarons. They are soft chocolate centres encased in beautifully painted candy shells.

San Sebastian

Kind of like a giant smartie. They were delicious, just not at all what we were expecting ....


Rachel @ boots in the oven said...

I love when food surprises you. I remember buying a tub of what we thought was yogurt in France while backpacking there eons ago and discovering delicious soft cheese.

The fakarons do look very nice, though. :-)

Kat and Kim said...

The fakarons were indeed delicious .... the crispy shell still giving them that macaron effect.

We are experiencing food surprises every day now we are back in Hokkaido ... similar to the yoghurt that was really cheese. Without being able to read any of the intricate kanji here on food packages make for a continuous learning adventure.

Renita said...

They look like macarons! But sneaky suspicious macarons. Very pretty.

Kat and Kim said...

Renita: they were sooo pretty. The colors so vibrant, and even though they weren't macarons, they were still delicious.