The first stop, sweet corn in a cup. The fresh, plump, steamed corn kernels are mixed in a bowl with a touch of salt, sugar, coconut and butter. We take our cup in hand and continue roaming ...
Mmm, meat on a stick. We spot a lady with a pile of sticks and are oh-so-happy to see it's nam, fermented pork and glutionus rice sausage on a stick. She flashes it over the charcoal as she prepares a little bag with whole scud chilli's, chunks of cabbage and sliced ginger. It's nice and smokey, from the charcoal, and has a nice sour tang. Mouthfuls of sausage are alternated with chunks of cabbage, ginger and chilli.
Another meat on stick, chunks of marinated pork, also grilled over charcoal, keeps us going for a few more minutes ...
We spot a guy grilling these very interesting looking flatbreads over open flame charcoal. We grab a bag to take home.
We finish off the walking adventure with some fried chicken legs and a bag of fried chicken skin. Mmm.
If only carnival food was this good, and this cheap, all over the world.
How were the flatbreads? Or is that your next post?!
They tasted like smokey paper thin rice crackers.
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